Monitoring plan - Specification Vegetable

Upon request from the supermarkets, BFA has established the Specification "production and supply of vegetable compound feed" (short Specification Vegetable). This specification describes the process for the production and supply of vegetable compound feed. For more information on the required conditions, we refer you to Themes > Quality > Specifications.

Members who wish to participate in this specification should also perform analyses with

in a sampling plan that has been specifically designed for this purpose. Participants of the plan can find all practical information about the sampling plan below.

 Information sampling plan specification vegetable 2022 (only available in Dutch)



BFA - Monitoring plans

Vous souhaitez en savoir plus concernant nos autres plans d’échantillonnage? Sélectionnez ci-dessous le plan d’échantillonnage en question et découvrez leurs conditions spécifiques, ou accédez directement à l’aperçu général sous My BFA > Demandes d'analyses.

Plan Sectoriel  Plan Convention Basse teneur en nutriments   
Plan Export
Plan Petfood
Plan Zinc
Plan Cahier des charges végétal
Plan Aliments médicamenteux
Analyses individuelles